Clear Codes or Events

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Clear Codes or Events

Another useful feature of INTERACT, is its ability to remove part of the document contents while leaving the rest untouched.

You can either remove all Observation Codes, without deleting the recorded Events, or remove all recorded Events - leaving the DataGroup and DataSet structure, including their time code information, untouched.

Note: Both options are very useful for training purposes or setting up a template (see Work with templates for details).

Two small examples are described below.

Remove Codes

Suppose you have an INTERACT document, containing previously coded Events, filled with Observation Codes. As an exercise, you want your students to label to those Events with Codes. The easiest way to accomplish that, is to remove all Observation Codes, while keeping the Events, including their time information.

This way the students can watch exactly the same parts of the video step by step and log the Observation Codes, corresponding to the behavior they observe.

IMPORTANT: Logging Codes into existing Events, requires the Refine Existing Events coding mode.

To remove all Codes while keeping the Events, do as follows:

Open the document you want to re-code.

Click Start - Current Document - Save Btn_save> Save as..., to save it with another name first (to not accidentally lose your previous recorded Codes).

Click Edit - Clear - Codes Btn_Clear_RemoveCodes in the toolbar.

Confirm the upcoming dialog.

You now have a document, still filled with Events and time code information, but without any Observation Codes.

TIP:To clear the Codes from a single column, right-click on the Class column name and choose clear data from the upcoming context menu.

Remove Events

Example: Assume that you have a document, containing logged Events, grouped in several DataGroups and/or DataSets. Every DataSet represents a certain situation, that has been analyzed. Again, you want your students to analyze the same video, but this time they also need to log the length of the observed behavior themselves, not only log Codes into predefined Events.

To make sure they (all) analyze the same parts of the video and to ensure that the logged data is structured correctly, you can delete all of your logged Events. This command leaves the existing DataGroup and DataSet time information, as well as the links to the video file, untouched.

To remove all Events, while keeping the hierarchical DataGroup and DataSet structure, do as follows:

Open the document you want to re-code

Click Start - Current Document - Save Btn_save> Save as..., to save it with another name.

Click Edit - Clear - Events Btn_Clear_RemoveEvents in the toolbar.

Confirm the upcoming dialog.

You now have a document, filled with DataGroups and DataSets (with corresponding time information), enabling your students to log new behavioral Events, based on those predefined parts of the video.