Typographical Conventions

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Typographical Conventions

The following kinds of text formatting represent special information.

Formatting convention

Type of Information


Step-by-step procedures. You can follow these instructions to complete a specific task.

è        Alternative

Whenever there is more than one possibility to continue, each arrow points to an alternative scenario.


GUI items such as menus, ribbon tabs, command buttons, check-box labels, or items in a list. For instance: File - Merge - Documents refers to the tab File, group Merge and command Documents.


Holds instructions to make your life easier.


Use to emphasize the importance of a point or for uncommon expressions.

Note: This is possible as well.

Notes provide additional information and point out alternative strategies.

IMPORTANT: Hint to prevent errors.

These warnings are meant to keep you out of trouble.

Example: Assume that...

Examples are described in such areas.


Common keyboard keys are written in capitals.


Function key


Key combinations for which you must push and hold down one key while you press another, like CTRL+P. (On German keyboards, the CTRL key is labeled STRG)


Keyboard shortcuts, that are assigned to Observation Codes, are written in brackets.


Reference to a topic on page 25 in the printed document.

License key

Reference to a section or topic in the Help file. Click Next Topic in the toolbar to open this file.


Mangold product name