Export Behavioral Event as Markers

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Export Behavioral Event as Markers

If you have logged video-based observations in INTERACT, it is possible to transfer this information from INTERACT to DataView and from DataView into an existing BRAIN PRODUCTS Marker file.

This allows you to perform any of the specific BRAIN PRODUCTS Analyzer routines on your behavioral Event as if they were stimuli or other markers:

Make sure the data file holding the Codes you want to transfer is opened and active.

Select the Events that hold the Codes you want to transfer within your INTERACT document.

Select the command Additional - Sensor Data - Copy Codes to DataView Btn_ConsolidateEvents.png  .

A message informs you that information was added to your data; those Codes are entered into the corresponding value lines inside the raw data table of your DataView file.

Switch to DataView.

Select Scripting - BrainProducts - Export INTERACT Events as markers from the menu.

Select the Class or the Code you want to transfer to your BRAIN PRODUCTS Marker file:


Confirm your selection by clicking Export.

Those behavioral Event Codes are now entered into your marker file like this:


Those new markers can be handled and analyzed like any other BRAIN PRODUCTS-based marker entry using BRAIN PRODUCTS Analyzer.