Filters & Views

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Filters & Views

In addition to the plain visualization of your coded data in the Timeline Chart, the available filters and zoom functionalities allow you to get statistical details on any part of your data.

Note: The functionalities, described in this section, influence the values in the statistics, because they alter the current view on your data.

Filtering the selected DataSets based on Metadata BEFORE it is loaded into the Timeline Chart or other analysis routines, is described in Data Selection - DataSets.

INTERACT offers the following functionalities, to change the number of displayed Codes, AFTER you have opened the Timeline Chart:

oManual Zoom - Zoom in on just part of your data using your mouse a described in Zoom in on your data.

oIdentify what happens during specific Events - Find all co-occurrences for a specific Code. The Trim on Code filter virtually removes all Events, that where coded outside time frames covered by the selected Code. Read Trim on Code filter

oInterval-based zoom - Zoom-in and jump through your data, based on a specific time interval, using the Time-based interval functionality. Read Time based Interval Selection for details.

oCode-based zoom - Zoom-in and jump through your data, based on a certain Code based interval, with the Code based interval functionality, as described in Code based Interval Selection.

oRemove Extremities - Virtually remove extremely long or short Codes using the Duration filter.

IMPORTANT: The statistics, exports and analysis routines available within the Timeline Chart, always reflect the data currently visible in the Timeline Chart.
If e.g. you are ‘zoomed-in' on just a part of your data, only this part is taken into account in the statistics results.