FACS Multiple Passes - Extended

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FACS Multiple Passes - Extended

This setup is almost identical to the one discussed in FACS Multiple Passes - Lexical, except that this one offers the possibility to make corrections that require Codes from one of the previously coded AU's. This is helpful, if you discover that a Code needs to be added or adjusted during another coding pass.

The differences are:

oThe Codes for Pass 1 are left unchanged.

oIn the file for the Pass 2 Codes, a line referring to Pass 1 was added.

oIn the file for Pass 3, a link to both the Pass 1 and the Pass 2 file was added, allowing you to return to either of them.
The Pass 4 Code definition file, holds references to the Code definition from the passes 1, 2 and 3, etc.

This allows you to log an Event for an AU from one of the previous passes:

Log start and end time of the Event, using this single entry referring to the Pass that holds the required AU.

Pick the corresponding AU, the Intensity and the Laterality while the video pauses.

INTERACT now automatically returns to the top level file of your current pass, so you can continue as if nothing happens,

This method is only meant for incidental corrections.