Statistics on Pre and Post Intervals

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Statistics on Pre and Post Intervals

To get the statistics on what happens during the Pre- and Post-Events (in this example during the 30 seconds before each 'Imitative' period), proceed as follows:

Click Analysis - Evaluation - Timeline Chart Btn_TLC_Chart_AllData and select the Codes you are interested in.

In the Timeline Chart window, click the Trim on code filter btn_tlc_trimoncodefilter.

Select the Class that holds your Pre-Events ('Pre-Period' in this case) and the new 'Pre' Code ('Pre_Imitative' in this case) in the upcoming dialog.

Confirm with OK.

Now all Events outside the selected periods are removed from the Timeline Chart:


This means, that the statistics now only reflect the data currently visible, giving you the details you are looking for:


To get the details on the 'Post Imitative' periods, close the Timeline Chart and repeat all steps.