Make Data Exclusive

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Make Data Exclusive

If your data contains overlaps that should not be there at all, INTERACT can cleanup your data semi-automatically.

How well that works depends on your coding system of course, but the following scenarios are the most probable ones that can be resolved with this routine:

oYou coded your Event without making your Codes mutually exclusive.

oYou coded your mutually exclusive Codes in multiple passes, which puts the mutually exclusive mechanism out of order.

The resulting data file might hold various, usually tiny, overlaps, because the offsets and start times are not exactly successive.

Note: The overlap could be as tiny as a single frame, if the preceding offset and the following start time are identical.

Remove Overlaps per Class

To make all Events exclusive for a single Class:

Make a right-click on the header of that Class.

Select Remove overlaps in this class (make exclusive).

INTERACT now adjusts all offset time values that collide with the start time of any succeeding Event with a Code in the selected Class, to ensure that they no longer overlap in time.

Remove all Overlaps for all Classes

To make all Events for all Classes exclusive per Class in one pass:

Click Transform - Events - Optimize Btn_Optimize> Remove overlaps (make exclusive).

Make sure the * is selected to perform the action for all Classes at once.

INTERACT now adjusts all offset time values that collide with the start time of any succeeding Event holding a Code within the same Class to ensure these Events no longer.