Define Mutually Exclusive Codes

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Define Mutually Exclusive Codes

A coding system with mutually exclusive Codes simplifies the coding process a lot.
Additionally, it helps you to code consistently.

TIP:If you are focusing on a single Class per pass, you may also use the Coding Mode Lexical (post-hoc) instead.
Using only the SPACEBAR to create an exclusive and exhaustive string of Events and entering the Code(s) while the video is automatically paused is a more laid-back way of coding.  

For all Codes that do exclude each other mutually (which means that those Codes cannot occur simultaneously), you define 'exclusions' (grouped in 'Exclusion lists').

Note: INTERACT acknowledges those exclusions within a single coding session, only!

Defining exclusions is simple:

Click Start - Observation - Define Codes btn_codedefinitionen  to open the Code definitions window.

Enter Codes, Classes, and Keys like for regular Codes.

Enter identical exclusion identifier* into the column 'Excl.', for all Codes that do exclude one another:


oThis method allows you to log multiple exclusive behaviors simultaneously in a single pass.

oYou can define as many exclusion lists as you need.

oEach Code, that does NOT have an entry in the Excl. column behaves as a regular (non-exclusive) Code, which means that start time and offset needs to be coded with the same Codes.

oCodes assigned to different exclusion lists can still overlap.

oIf required, a Code can be assigned to multiple exclusion lists.

*) As an exclusion identifier (the name of the Exclusion list), you can use numbers or characters or a combination of both (for example, use the numbers 1...0 for the first 10 different groups).
Those identifiers are entirely independent of the [key] assignments!

Close and save your changes.

The process of logging Events using mutually exclusive Codes is described in Log Mutually Exclusive Events.


Note: For a continuous coding rhythm, you need a Code for every situation. This means that some additional Codes (like 'NILL' or 'neutral') that cover the uninteresting parts simplify and speed up the logging process. Because switching between logging only the start for most Events and then sometimes needing to code the end separately is confusing and therefore a source of error.

Multiple Exclusions

A single Code can be assigned to multiple exclusion lists. This can be useful if a specific situation blocks all other activities.

Enter multiple identifiers into the Excl column.
Different identifiers are separated by a comma (no space after the comma!):


In this example, we presume that it is impossible to be 'Reading strip' whenever 'Eyes closed' is logged and vice versa. Also, the behavioral code 'Radio message', should not be overlapping with 'Recording' nor with 'Ask'.

TIP:The INTERACT Help offers more details in the section Coding Consistently & Sequentially.