Catalog your Findings (Axial Coding)

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Catalog your Findings (Axial Coding)

After the data collection process, you probably need to aggregate and catalog your findings. To organize your observations in a limited number of expressions afterward, you can:

oCatalog and describe your comments, independent from the Events.

oAdd Codes to the Events you created, to catalog the observed.

oAdd new Events with Codes to log precise Event information including duration.

Depending on your needs, these are your options:

Arrow-Right-OrangeCatalog and describe your comments - Label you extensive observations with a more generic expression, using the Abbreviation column of the Code Archive and enter descriptions to each entry.
Arrow-Right-OrangeManually enter Codes - Entering one or more Expressions for each line into one or more new columns like you would in a spreadsheet. Activate the Drop-Down-Editor to re-use information.
Arrow-Right-OrangeAdd predefined expressions - If a coding system exists, you can 'log' these Code into the existing Event lines using the coding mode Refine Existing Events.
Arrow-Right-OrangeLogging Event-based Events - You can always add new Events using one of the regular event-based coding methods using a predefined coding system.