Simultaneous Observation of Multiple Subjects

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Simultaneous Observation of Multiple Subjects

Simultaneous observation of multiple subjects works best for a single behavior per pass.

Like stated before, there is no technical limitation to the number of subjects and behaviors but cognitively it is probably impossible to pay attention to a multitude of behaviors and multiple subjects simultaneously.

A basic example of a multi-level setup can be found in section Coding Mode: Complex.

If you only have one type of behavior to observe per participant, the implementation described in this example shows you exactly how to do this. If there are more types of behavior of interest to you, additional passes are required when using this setup.

The one behavior you are observing can include sub-codes or a modifier, but the more levels, tweaks and turns you want to include, the more impracticable the coding process becomes.

Note: Observing multiple behaviors that may co-occur among different participants is cognitive extremely challenging and not suited for a generic example. In case you want to implement something as complex as that, contact our support with a detailed explanation of your Coding system and the way you'd like to code it all in one pass.