Combine Codes

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Combine Codes

This coding option allows you to build composed Observation Codes on the fly, during the process of logging Events.

It also allows you to enter figures larger than 9, simply by entering the numbers as you do in real life!

IMPORTANT: Combining Codes is NOT possible in the Coding mode Standard!


Note: From the point of view in information theory, it is not wise to combine diverse types of information into one single Code. This is because it is always difficult to retrieve the information separately later on. Usually a behavioral Code represents one single kind of information.
Read Define Observation Codes for further information.

Nevertheless, some coding systems are based on combined Codes, therefore INTERACT offers this functionality. How it works while logging behavior, is described in the example below.

Combine Numeric Codes: Assume you have assigned the numbers "1" to "0" to the numerical keys [1] to [0]. This enables you to enter any of those numbers directly into the correct Class, using the corresponding [key]. As long as the values your need are below 10, you can use the [keys] as they are.
But, if you want to enter numbers larger than 9, we recommend to use the option Combine new Codes with previous Cell content. That way, all number-Codes (belonging to the same Class) are simply added behind the already existing entry. This allows you to enter any value, by combining the number [keys] - like you would in real life. (E.g. [1] + [3] + [9] = "139")

TIP:See the examples described in Observe Multiple Areas.

Setting this option

As most individual coding options, you find this option in the Observation settings dialog:

To open this dialog, click Start - Observation - Observation settings btn_observationsettings.

The following dialog appears:


Select Combine new Codes with previous Cell content.

Click OK to confirm your settings.

Read Logging Events with combined codes, to learn how that works.