Create reports

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Create reports

If you combine the functionality of the Timeline Chart, the standard copy and past functions of Windows and an office program like Word or Excel, you can create a report with about 4 mouse clicks!

Create a Timeline Chart with the data you need in your report.

Click on the Btn_TLC_Camera icon in the Timeline Chart window to make a screen shot of this graph.

Create a new word document (or open an existing one).

Click in the target document and choose Edit - paste from the menu or use the standard shortcut CTRL+V.

Choose Analysis - Statistics per DataSet btn_tlc_datasetstatistics(or Analysis - Full statistics btn_tlc_fullstatistics), from the menu within the Timeline Chart window or click on the corresponding buttons.

Click on the Copy buttonBtn_copy in the 'Results' window.

Click in your target document and choose Edit - paste from the menu or use the default shortcut CTRL+V.

Note: All values are inserted as tab separated text. This means that in Word you need to adjust the tab stops to make it all fit.
