Name DataSets

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Name DataSets

The first Set is automatically created the moment you click Start Observation. If you store each subject in a separate data file, you do NOT need to add new Sets manually. The final structure showing multiple Subjects in separate Sets is generated by the merge routine.

To manually add a DataSet, select Start - Edit - Add DataSet Btn_AddSet.

In all cases, the Set description should hold the participant name or participant-ID:

Name each Set with a participant-ID or name:
(Do NOT enter any additional information in the Set description at this stage)

Select the Set line you want to edit.

Click into the Decription area and start typing.


Right-click in description field of the Set or Group line you want to edit:


Choose Edit to open the Description dialog:


Enter the description that identifies the session within.

Click OK to confirm your entry.

In the end, either after merging multiple Subject files or manual Set definition, your data file shows a structure like this:
