WorkFlow Editor

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WorkFlow Editor

INTERACT's powerful Workflow Editor enables the user to pre-define a combination of commands.

A Workflow can be saved as a custom analysis or restructuring command that can be easily applied to any (set of) documents.

In addition to the ability to combine regular commands into a single Workflow-command, the Workflow Editor provides direct access to a special Python module that allows Python scripts to be directly applied to your data directly from within INTERACT.

User-defined Workflows can be accessed directly from the Start tab if they are stored in the ..\Mangold INTERACT Data\Workflows folder.

Example: Suppose you need to perform Contingency analysis on several code combinations, followed by the co-occurrence routine to perform Sequence Analysis on a particular class, and export these results in a particular way, all these steps can be combined into a single Workflow that any user can easily perform for the same project.

Workflow Editor

AVAILABILITY: The Workflow Editor is only available in INTERACT Professional and up.
Contact our sales team if this function is missing.
The Python module is only available in Mangold INTERACT Premium.

The Workflow editor offers a wide range of well known INTERACT commands as well as additional features:


You can combine any number of commands in a logical way, to simplify repetitive actions.

Important Modules

Most modules reflect commands that are common practice while using INTERACT.

In addition, the Workflow editor offers some Modules for functionalities that are NOT part of the general INTERACT commands in the GUI.

oSequenceSearch - This module allows you to search for specific sequences and generate new Events based on the sequences found. Details about the configuration and possibilities are explained in MedSim Sequence Search.

oPython - Available for INTERACT Premium users only. This Module allows you to run a Python script within INTERACT.

oLogic - The modules Logic AND, Logic NOT, and Logic OR allow you to create combinations that are not possible with the regular find routines.