Use Markers for Playback

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Use Markers for Playback

If you've collected markers during a live observation, you can now use them to play specific situations in the video directly:


oDouble-click on the time in the Onset column to position the video there.

oDouble-click on the time in the Offset column to position the video there.

oDouble-click on any of the text entries behind the time information to replay the video sequence surrounding the Marker time information *).

*) To adjust the duration of the video sequence being played in the proximity of the Marker, you can adjust the Video-pre-roll time and Video post-roll time accordingly in the program settings:


Note: Since a single image cannot be played, VideoSyncPro needs the pre-roll and post-roll times to create a playable sequence. The pre-roll time is inserted before the onset time of the marker, the post-roll time after the offset time value.

TIP:It is also possible to change the actual length of a Marker entry so that it may cover a more extended period in time - details in Adding Marker during Review.