Adjust Time Values

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Adjust Time Values

There are several reasons to adjust the available time information, either virtually or for real, manually or automated.

Most corrections can be made after the behavioral data has been logged. Some are best set BEFORE the actual data logging starts.

Arrow-Right-OrangeManual Time Value Corrections -  Two topics cover how you can manually edit logged time values:

oDrag & drop time codes

oEnter time code manually.

Arrow-Right-OrangeChange Multiple Time Values - If you need to change the start time, the offset or both, for a range of Events, using a fixed shift for all, you do not need to make those changes manually:

oChange multiple time code values

Arrow-Right-Orange        Automated Time Value Correction - Minor corrections can be automated, at least for mutually exclusive (none overlapping) Codes per Class.

oMake Data Exlusive

Arrow-Right-OrangeValidate start time and offset - Due to manual corrections and the rewinding of your video, your data file can contain Events of which the Offset lays before their start time. This check is automatically performed f you open the Timeline Chart. The routine is explained here:

oCheck your start end end times

Arrow-Right-OrangeAdjust Multimedia Time Values - For those who need to adjust the video time values, to fit either the recorded VITC value or the time information of a live observation coding session. This time shift is best set BEFORE the logging of th multimedia based Events starts. Details

Read the section Multimedia Time Adjustments, to learn more about the various possibilities.

Arrow-Right-OrangeCompare DataSets Time based - If you have logged similar situations for different subjects and want to compare the behavioral data over time, you need virtually shift your data for comparison.

Read the section Move DataSets Virtually in Time, to learn more about the various possibilities.

Arrow-Right-OrangeManually define DataSet duration - By default, the start time and offset values of a DataSet (as well as the parent DataGroup) are automatically adjusted to hold all time values of subordinated Events. If you do not want to happen:

Read the section Fixed DataSet duration to learn more about the possibilities.