Multimedia Time Adjustments

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Multimedia Time Adjustments

IMPORTANT: All video time code adjustments are best made BEFORE you start logging Events.

All time adjustments are made in the Multimedia Settings There are several ways to adjust the time of your multimedia file(s):

Arrow-Right-OrangeDefine a new video start point - If the first part of your multimedia file is not of interest, you can set a new start point for each file, using the settings dialog of the multimedia window.

Read Set new Multimedia Start Point for details.
Synchronizing Multiple Multimedia Files is also based on this principle.

Arrow-Right-OrangeShift video time code - Multimedia files always start at 00:00:00:00, sometimes this needs to be adjusted. This method is used if you want to log the behavioral Events with day-time information and dates and/or if you have already live coded data that you need to synchronize with the video. You need to shift the video time code BEFORE you start logging Events.

Read Adjust Multimedia Time value to learn how it works.