Import external Data

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Import external Data

Because INTERACT is a fairly open system, there are several ways to import or synchronize external data with INTERACT.

Depending on the nature of the external data, these are your options:

Arrow-Right-OrangeMeasuring data - This kind of value based data, collected by sensors of        any type, typically belongs in Mangold DataView. DataView is our external module to visualize numerical values, in parallel to the behavioral Events and in sync with the video(s).
If you have purchased a copy of Data View, choose Additional - Sensor Data - DataView Btn_DataView_Start to start the DataView application and import the data by following the import wizard.

Further details can be found in the DataView Help file.

Arrow-Right-OrangeVideoGraph Data - To import observations and transcriptions from VideoGraph, INTERACT offers a special extension.
The import is based on three different types of content:
- From VideoGraph exported observations, holding only the coded segments in a *.txt file.
- From VideoGraph exported transcriptions in a *.txt file.
- A manually created *.txt file that holds the labels to the numeric VideoGraph codes in a specific structure.

For a detailed description read Import VideoGraph Data.

Arrow-Right-OrangeObserver Data - Depending on the version of the Noldus Observer that was used to create your data files (*.odf), you have different options to work with your data in INTERACT.

For details read Import Noldus Observer Data

Arrow-Right-OrangeOther Behavioral data - Behavioral data (observations with time information) sure belongs into INTERACT, depending on the available structure, your personal programming knowledge and the number of files that need to be imported, you have the following options:

oCopy & paste for incidental cases and tests - If your data does have a simple columns structure, including appropriate time information per Code/Event, you can adapt this structure to make it INTERACT compatible, so you can transfer your data into INTERACT using the Copy & Paste routines of Windows.

Read the instructions as described in Format external data.

oUsing pre-defined extensions - INTERACT comes with import routines for the following applications:
- Tobii Event data
- VideoGraph
- StudioCode
- Noldus Observer data files
- Mangold LogSquare
- Mangold VideosSyncPro Marker files

Click Text - Advanced - Analysis Btn_TextAnalysis> Data import and select the appropriate routine.