General Settings

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General Settings

Here you can adapt some GUI elements:



oSwitch between the GUI languages English and German:


You can change the background color for parts of the GUI:

oSelect a color for the background color of the empty video area.

If you own a coding license for your VideoSyncPro Studio, you can also change the background color for the areas available for Logging your Observations:

oTo highlight the area that lists the Subjects, select a color behind Subjects area.

oTo highlight the area that lists the Markers, select a color behind Marker area.


To ensure that VideoSyncPro can find required add-on applications, the installation paths for those applications is stored in the registry. You can alter the locations here:

oTo be able to Create Highlight Videos, the path to the Highlight Movie Creator executable must be valid.

oFor troubleshooting and camera configuration, the Available Sources dialog offers a button to open the Axis IP utility; to make that work, which only works if this path is valid.


When switching between users, as described in User Rights, you get this little log-in dialog:


To hide the list with possible users that may log in, clear the Show user drop-down list on login screen option.

It is possible to disabled the automated log-in as a Standard User on application start. In that case, VideoSyncPro Studio shows a user log-in screen on startup.

The activated Check for updates option contacts our license server to verify if there are any updates available.