What's new in INTERACT 20

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What's new in INTERACT 20

The main focus of this software is to simplify the rather complex matter of video coding and behavioral analysis as far as possible.

This completely re-developed version is now also available on MacOS!

It is dedicated to get even more information from your data and to extend the already flexible pool of possible observation sources. All of this, of course, without losing any of the flexibility INTERACT is known and loved for.

We have again implemented many user requests, that benefit all INTERACT users. So do not hesitate to make any feature request of your own!

New and improved features since INTERACT 18.7

NEW: Auto-Transcription - Integrated, offline AI-based auto.transcription for INTERACT Professional.

NEW: User Experience - Get the same functionality and user experience on Windows and Mac.

NEW: Python integration - Use custom Python scripts to analyze, visualize and export your data as part of your workflow.

NEW: Easy Data Access - Get instant access to tutorials and recently used files with the new quick-start dialog.

NEW: High Speed - Get up to 500% more speed with the brand new software design when handling and analyzing large amounts of data.

NEW: Multi-Line Support - Activate the Wrap text option in the main view to easily work with large transcripts and long Code definitions.

NEW: Duration per Line - Easily view the duration of any coded event by activating a new dedicated time column named Duration.

NEW: Transcript Field - Display transcripts as a field, a column or a floating text field for easy review and smooth data collection.

NEW: Color as Information - Get a much better visual orientation with the new display of Classes and Codes in different colors.

NEW: In-Place Coding - Collect data even more easily with the new Code drop-down fields directly in each cell of the main document.

NEW: Code Archive - Take advantage of the new drag & drop coding options straight from your coding system.
This new Coding method is especially useful for exploratory research or grounded theory approaches.

NEW: Coding Panel - Code faster and easier with the new coding panel that provides a clear separation between different Classes and a variable number of columns to display of all sub-Codes.

NEW: Shortcuts - Customize many of the standard shortcuts to control videos or perform file and editing operations to meet your specific needs.

NEW: Stats per Class - Now get Class-based statistics at the touch of a button.

NEW: Order of Occurrence - Easily view a full report of the first time a code occurred per class and per DataSet.

NEW: Code-based Interval Statistics - Get a statistical report for all time intervals where a specific code was logged.

NEW: Interval Statistics - Quickly get interval-based statistics showing values ​​per Code and per DataSet in a separate line per interval.

NEW: Code-Order - Full report of the first occurrence of a code per class and per session with the Order of Appearance command.

NEW: Workflow Editor - Get almost unlimited possibilities for data manipulation, aggregation, segmentation and analysis with the new Analysis Workflow editor. Over 40 workflows are already integrated and easily available via the main menu functions.

IMPROVED: Contingency analysis - The powerful Contingency Analysis has been completely reworked and now offers even more search routines.

IMPROVED: Co-occurrence Filter - The powerful Co-occurrence Filter is now easily accessible directly in the Analysis toolbar.

IMPROVED: Metadata - Information on DataSet-level is now called Meta Data instead of Independent Variables.

IMPROVED: Variance over Sets -  The summary results within the Statistics per Code (aka Full Statistics) results window now also include the Variance per Code over multiple Sets.